The Neuro-Release Treatment: 720 Integrative Approach (Home Study)
By: Integrative Dry Needling Institute LLC

Course Description

The Neuro-Release Treatment: Using the 720 Integrative Approach Home Study is designed to provide our students with a deeper understanding of the how neuro inflammation effects pain perception on a local, segmental and systemic level. We will explore the therapeutic effects of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM) and cupping on neuropathic and radiculopathic pain syndromes. The examination and management of peripheral nerve inflammation/sensitization, neuromuscular dysfunction and biomechanical imbalance of the musculoskeletal system will be presented. We will discuss the negative effects that peripheral nerve inflammation has on muscle function and how IASTM and Cupping can assist in maximizing human (athletic) performance. Integration of Manual Therapy and other treatment options will be included that will complement the efficacy of treatment. A considerable amount of lab time is focused on assuring safe and effective advanced manual therapy skills with an emphasis on clinical decision-making. Pre-requisite: None

Course Details

  • The Neuro-Release Treatment: 720 Integrative Approach (Home Study)
  • By:    Integrative Dry Needling Institute LLC
  • Instructor:    Dr. Nick Sanders
  • Total CE Hours:    12.5
  • Course Format:     Online Distance Learning
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS: