Join Dr. Trevor Berry, a board-certified Chiropractic Neurologist & low-level laser expert as he pioneers the movement to connect the hemispheres of the human body & brain. At the forefront of medicine, Dr. Berry’s background & extensive education will help bring to light advanced treatments for the brain diseases that are greatly affecting our society: Traumatic Brain Injury, Strokes, the Gut-Brain Axis, Autoimmunity, Pain & Inflammation, Basal Ganglia Disorders, Dementia & Alzheimer’s.
As a specialist in this arena, he will take you through a patient’s health history, examination & documentation. Special attention will be paid to neurological conditions and Dr. Berry’s treatment of them through advanced chiropractic care, lasers, labs & nutrition. He will bring together the big picture on how the central nervous system affects the body & influences many of the ailments our society suffers from. During this brand new 12-hour CE accredited seminar Dr. Berry will show you a clear & simple path to revitalize your practice and empower you to change your life and the lives of your family & patients.