Stroke and Manipulation 101
By:, A Division of Surgent Pharmcon LLC

Course Description

Assess the current literature on the relationship between stroke and manipulation • Describe the anatomy of the blood supply to the brain • Summarize the clinical biomechanics of vertebral arteries • Outline the epidemiology and classification of cervicocerebral vertebral and internal carotid arterial dissections CAD or strokes • Recognize the diseases affecting cervicocerebral arteries • Illustrate the pathogenesis of CADs-dissection mechanisms • Identify putative causes and triggers of CAD • Estimate the purported incidence of cerebrovascular syndromes following cervical manipulation • Distinguish between the neurological syndromes • Identify stroke risk factors in general • Assess the value of pre-manipulation testing: to screen or not to screen • Outline the warning signs/symptoms of CAD • Indicate what to include in the patient history and examination • Describe what to do if you suspect CAD • Point out how to communicate risk to patients as well as implementing strategies to prevent CAD

Course Details

  • Stroke and Manipulation 101
  • By:, A Division of Surgent Pharmcon LLC
  • Instructor:    Dean Smith, DC, PhD
  • Total CE Hours:    2
  • Course Format:     Online Distance Learning
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Evidence-Based Outcomes  -2 CE Hours