SATURDAY: 8 am - 5:30 pm
SUNDAY: 8 am - 12pm
1st Step Family Wellness
12201 Big Bend Rd.
Ste. 200
Kirkwood, MO 63122
12 CEs Each Available for Categories, CMRT. & Cranial
6 CEs available for the Bonus K-Taping Class
42 total for event
AK, CO, CT, DC, DE, ID, IN, IA, IL, KS, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NC, ND, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Nova Scotia
NOTE: It it HIGHLY recommended that you purchase the books that go with this seminar, as it contains the slides and notes for the training.
12 hours class
Licensed Chiropractic Doctor= $350
Student = $200
Plus $49 CEs
6 hour class
Licensed Chiropractic Doctor$175
Chiropractic Student = $100
$25 CEs
$50 discount
SORSI teaches and supports those chiropractors and chiropractic students who want to upgrade their practice offerings with exceptional techniques that deliver evidenced based unparalleled results with patients.
SORSI’s SOT® Regional Seminars are created to provide you with an understanding of SOT® analysis, adjusting protocols and cranial techniques that can be used in the office on Monday.
With lots of hands on practice, you will be ready to delight your patients on Monday morning with:
Imagine helping patients that are desperate for solutions that they haven’t been able to find. Consider the value to your colleagues and other healthcare professionals who would refer patients to you for help because you have this skill.
Whether you are a beginner to SOT® work or a more advanced practitioner, these courses will help you move forward and attain a greater level of expertise in the art of chiropractic SOT®adjusting.
If you are interest in:
These SOT® seminars will assist you in reaching those goals and helping you assist those patients with unique challenges.
PLEASE NOTE: The notes for the seminar are in the book. If you want to purchase all 4 international books (These are the books used for certification testing), please contact office@sorsi.com for a significant discount. Reg. $414 Sale: $330
This seminar will provide a brief history of Saco Occipital Technic®, followed by an in-depth discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the spine and pelvis in relation to the Category system. In this seminar, attendees will learn how to assess, diagnosis, and integrate the Category system into their current practices.
Hour 1: Introduction, history of SOT®, anatomy and physiology, and overview of the Category system
Hour 2: Five Step Analysis of the Category System, demonstration/practice
Hour 3: Category II overview, pre-blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 4: Category II blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 5: Category II post-blocking procedures and upper extremity adjusting, demonstration/practice
Hour 6: Category III overview, pre-blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 7: Category III blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 8: Category III post-blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 9: Category I overview, pre-blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 10: Category I blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 11: Category I post-blocking procedures, demonstration/practice
Hour 12: Review of Category system; questions
The notes for the seminar are in the book.
This seminar will provide an introduction into the chiropractic manipulative reflex technique system, followed by the anatomy and physiology of the occipital fiber system. Attendees will learn how to assess, diagnosis, and correct occipital fiber dysfunction for each spinal vertebral level outlined in the CMRT technique.
Hour 1: Introduction into CMRT; anatomy and physiology of the occipital fibers
Hour 2: Assessment and diagnosis of the occipital fibers with demonstration/practice
Hour 3: Demonstration and practice of the Line 1,2, & 3 fibers
Hour 4: Demonstration/practice of Thoracic 1 Coronary Syndrome and Thoracic 2 Myocardial Syndrome
Hour 5: Demonstration/practice of Thoracic 3 Respiratory Syndrome and Thoracic 4 Gallbladder Syndrome
Hour 6: Demonstration/practice of Thoracic 5 Gastric Syndrome and Thoracic 6 Pancreatic Syndrome
Hour 7: Demonstration/practice of Thoracic 7 Splenic Syndrome and Thoracic 8 Liver Syndrome
Hour 8: Demonstration/practice of Thoracic 9 Adrenal Syndrome and Thoracic 10 Intestinal Syndrome
Hour 9: Demonstration/practice of Thoracic 11 and 12 Kidney Syndrome
Hour 10: Demonstration/practice of Lumbar 1 Ileocecal Syndrome and Lumbar 2 Cecal (Appendix) Syndrome
Hour 11: Demonstration/practice of Lumbar 3 Glandular Syndrome and Lumbar 4 Colon Syndrome
Hour 12: Demonstration/practice of Lumbar 5 Prostatic/Uterine Syndrome; review/questions
This seminar will provide a brief history of chiropractic craniopathy and then provide in detail discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the cranium. In this seminar, attendees will learn how to integrate the cranial distortions with the SOT® Category system, understand various cranial motions, various cranial adjustments as well as infant cranial techniques.
The notes for the seminar are in the book.
Hour 1: History of chiropractic craniopathy and overview of the anatomy and physiology of the skull
Hour 2: Detailed explanation of cerebrospinal fluid motion, types of corrections, and demonstration/practice of utilization of pressure for cranial adjusting
Hour 3: Overview of cranial ranges of motion with demonstration/practice of cranial ranges of motion and universal antidote technique
Hour 4: Continuation of cranial ranges of motion practice
Hour 5: Overview of the craniopathic non-specific techniques
Hour 6: Continuation of the overview of the craniopathic non-specific techniques with demonstrations and practice
Hour 7: Overview of post adjusting techniques with demonstration and practice
Hour 8: Overview of general techniques with demonstration and practice, part 1
Hour 9 Overview of general techniques with demonstration and practice, part 2
Hour 10: Overview of general techniques with demonstration and practice, part 3
Hour 11: Infant cranial techniques
Hour 12: Infant cranial techniques continued and seminar overview/review/questions
In this seminar you will learn a deeper level of the biomechanics and kinesiology of the category system. While gaining the knowledge of when using K-taping is clinically applicable for a patient who is plateaued in their recovery of categories 1, 2, and 3.
9-9:30am Intro and layout of the seminar
9:30-11am Biomechanics and kinesiology of the category system
11-11:30am Short break
11:30am-1:30pm K-Taping for category 2 and 3
1:30-1:45pm Break if needed/time allows
1:45-3pm K-Taping for category 1 and bonus other pelvic subluxations within the category system
3pm Wrap up & Q & A
I was born and raised in Eden, North Carolina. I grew up on a 100-acre “hobby” farm with my 4 siblings. I say hobby farm because it was run by my grandfather “Papa” who retired onto the property with my grandma “Nana” once he left the ministry as a southern baptist pastor. My father is an M.D. and has been practicing family medicine for the past 40 years. My mother, God love her, stayed home and homeschooled all 5 of us kids K-12.
I have many fond memories of playing outside on the farm growing up and learning how to garden and do small repairs from Papa. I was also an avid participant in YMCA sports growing up, playing every sport they offered. My mom still likes to tell the story that instead of a pacifier as an infant I would want to have a ball in my hand to calm down.
After graduating high school I attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and received my bachelor’s in Kinesiology. I then moved to St. Louis in the fall of 2018 attended Logan University and received my Doctor of Chiropractic degree in December of 2021. I tell everyone that coming to Logan was the best decision I ever made because I met my lovely wife while in school. Hannah is from Waterloo, Illinois so I have learned a lot about St. Louis from her and her family.
I was lucky enough to make the right decision in baseball fandom from a young age choosing the Cardinals as my team. After moving to St. Louis Hannah quickly converted me to be a Blues fan. We actually started dating during the Blues Stanley cup run, we watched game four together and they won so I told her we had to watch the rest together so they would win, and they did! We had a lovely wedding last May and we are expecting our first child in March of 2022 we are very excited for our little family to grow!
While attending Logan I was blessed to be the lead intern of the pediatric rotation at Logan for my final 9 months of school. I have a passion for providing chiropractic care to all members of the family and would love to talk about the benefits chiropractic care can provide for infants and pediatric patients with anyone who would like to know! I also enjoy working with adults, and I understand from personal experience the need for some lower force adjustments and treatments.
I like practicing with the Sacro-Occipital Technic® which is a system of analysis that includes cranial work and it can really help people in my experience and allow me to know exactly where the body would like to be adjusted.
I, Dr. James M. Weber was born and raised in Dittmer, MO on my families dairy farm. I had never been to a chiropractic office before starting chiropractic school. I knew I wanted to help people since I was young, after starting my first trimester of chiropractic school I knew I was in the right place because I could help people with my bare hands and personal knowledge.
While in my third trimester at Logan College of Chiropractic I began my intense study of Sacro Occipital Technic (SOT). SOT, unlike most chiropractic techniques is a whole body analysis which incorporates chiropractic, while blending osteopathy, craniopathy, and organ/soft tissue reflex manipulation along with it. In 2010, I received my Sacro Occipital Technic basic certification from Sacro Occipital Research Society International.
Through additional studies outside basic chiropractic curriculum I received my Internal Health Specialist certification as well as a Cranial and Pediatric certification. Throughout school I attended seminars advancing my knowledge and understanding in Functional Blood Chemistry, Brain and Neurotransmitter, & Functional Endocrinology.
I especially enjoy working with chronic cases that other doctors have said the words, “You will have to live with this…” I wish I could say I specialize in one particular area/region of the body but I cannot because all parts are connected and work together. If you, the reader are seeing a specialist for some health related issue than there is at least a 50% chance that they are missing a critical component to your health.
Dr. Unger is a member of Sacro Occipital Research Society International, Inc. (SORSI), a professional association whose members utilize Sacro Occipital Technic™ (SOT®) in their practices. A past-president and chairman of SORSI, Dr. Unger currently serves on the SORSI research committee, and he has been a certified instructor for SORSI since 1979. In addition to SOT® and SOT® Craniopathy, Dr. Unger is certified in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). His sub-specialties include homeopathy and nutritional counseling, and is certified in acupuncture.