The TCA is excited to invite you to take part in our inaugural all-virtual Spring Education Event. During this fun, interactive event, you will be able to complete 8 hours of TN DC educational requirements while we celebrate being together…at a distance.
Through this user-friendly platform, registrants will attend speaker sessions in a state-of-the-art online learning environmentand we will provide you with all the necessary tips and tools to successfully participate in this convenient, all-virtual opportunity.
Dr. Jason Hulme - Simplifying Shoulder Rehabilitation for the Busy Chiropractic Physician - Shoulder rehabilitation can be extremely overwhelming for many chiropractors. Making the accurate diagnosis, knowing where to start and making sure you make progress can be daunting without hour-long appointment times. In this fast-paces 2 hours, Dr. Hulme will cover an evidence-based approach to quickly diagnose if you can help the patient, where to start, and the principles behind getting your shoulder cases to improve as quickly as possible.
Dr. Bill Moreau - Performing the Preparticipation Physicial Examination - This 2 hour course will provide an overview of current evaluation and management strategies for performing preparticipation examinations (sports physicals). The standard of care is discussed for required historical and physical examination techniques. How to make clearance decision(s) is discussed. (sponsored by NCMIC)
Dr. Scott Munsterman - Chronic Pain Management- This 2 hour course provides a systematic, non-pharmacological whole person approach to pain management, including the latest evidence-based biopsychosocial approach to identifying different pain types and ow to manage them effectively. The course addresses the opioid epidemic and the role the chiropractic clinician can play in combating the crisis. (sponsored by ChiroHealthUSA)
Dr. Jenny Brocker - Documenting the Pediatric Visit - Kids are more than just small adults and their chiropractic treatment needs to be tailored to their unique anatomy and physiology in order to provide safe and effective care. Each part of the patient visit requires special attention to the age and development of the patient. This 2 hour course will highlight some of the current research on the safety of pediatric chiropractic care and the unique aspects of conducting and documenting a pediatric patient visit, including a narrative history, physical exam and daily SOAP notes. (sponsored by NCMIC)