Spinal Disc and Ligaments, Nuerology & Pathology
By: Academy of Chiropractic

Course Description

The neurology of ligament pathology is an inclusive course covering ligaments and spinal disc (also ligaments). As discs are integral in spinal biomechanics, we discuss the role that a herniated or bulged disc plays in aberrant biomechanics and when the patient can undergo corrective care vs. management of care. The course also explains why long-termed chiropractic care is clinically indicated.

This course details the roles of mechanoreceptors, proprioceptors and nociceptors in a pathological spine and one that is undergoing compensation as sequellae to trauma and tissue pathology. This course prepares you to be expert on spinal pathology and the mechanisms of compensation in addition to the why a patient “might” need lifetime care, no different than the diabetic, who needs lifetime care. In addition, this course will prepare you for patients who have “shifting pain” as a natural course of compensation.

Course Details

  • Spinal Disc and Ligaments, Nuerology & Pathology
  • By:    Academy of Chiropractic
  • Instructor:    Mark STudin DC, Candice Perkins MD
  • Total CE Hours:    7
  • Course Format:     Online Distance Learning
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Neurology  -4 CE Hours
    • Pathology  -3 CE Hours
  •    Course Outline