Program Description:
This session provides an overview on the principles, practices, nomenclature, patient work-up and management of pulmonary diseases and lung function of patients seen in an internal disorders practice
Program Goals/ Objectives:
At the end of the session, the student will have a detailed understanding of:
• Asthma in all of its forms
• Dyspnea
• Bronchitis its presentation and impact on lung health
• Pneumonias
• Pulmonary function testing appropriate work up and interpretation
• Diseases of the pulmonary system
• Effects ofbronchodilators on pulmonary function
Program Topics:
• Asthma
• Dyspnea
• Bronchitis
• Pneumonias
• Diseases of the lungs
• Pulmonary function tests
• Pneumoconiosis
• Systemic diseases of the lungs
• Cancer
• Bronchodilators
• Cardiovascular and the pulmonary patient
• Pulmonary laboratory tests