2022 Cox Courses: Cases, Research, Clinical Application
16.5 hours of presentations regarding research behind Cox® Technic, the application of the protocols within the system of Cox® Technic, demonstration of clinical outcomes with case reports, and a look at the past and present research principles of patient care that are guiding future studies. 12 hours feature a recording of the 2022 Cox® Honors Course held live in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with Drs. Cox, Joachim and Olding moderating and demonstrating.
Objectives: At the end of the course, the attendee will
• have tips on how to approach local medical organizations to share what he/she can do for non-surgery required spine patients.
• describe and demonstrate how to manage balance and back pain.
• name the two types of patients for whom Cox® protocols are appropriate.
• have a list of at least 70 of the latest published spinal research articles that affect care of the patient.
• define the PSCP/ FBSS patient and how to treat that patient.
• discuss the outcomes of the spinal biomechanics affected by Cox® Technic as well as clinical outcomes.
• describe how chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, curcumin, turmeric, black pepper work to heal and protect disc and joint material.
• List at least 3 tests for balance
• List upper motor neuron tests
• More clearly understand surgical approaches to cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy
• Differentiate spinal discs: synovial, Tarlov, discal
• Diagnose and set treatment plan for thoracic disc herniation