Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for The Upper Extremity - Solon (Cleveland) , OH
By: Integrative Dry Needling Institute LLC

Course Description

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for The Upper Extremity is a 2 day, 95% hands-on-training course. In this course, you will master the 5 P’s system of diagnostic US assessment to confidently identify normal anatomy to facilitate clinical decision-making. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound is focused on utilizing a transducer of a MSK ultrasound handheld unit to obtain images around the Shoulder joint (biceps, a-c joint, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, rotator cuff interval); Elbow joint (anterior elbow “pyramid”, anterior fat pad, lateral epicondyle, distal biceps {lateral and distal approach}, medial epicondyle, ulnar nerve, posterior elbow, triceps tendon; hand/wrist (carpal tunnel, median nerve, ulnar nerve, Dequervains tendons, 1st CMC joint, basal joint/thumb ulnar collateral ligament, dorsal metacarpophalangeal joint, triangular fibrocartilage complex, annular pulley). These images will be demonstrated and obtained in both long axis and short axis. At the conclusion of the course you will be able to accurately label, interpret and provide visual feedback to your patients and referral sources demonstrating the anatomical condition of the soft tissue structures.

Course Details

  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for The Upper Extremity - Solon (Cleveland) , OH
  • By:    Integrative Dry Needling Institute LLC
  • Instructor:    Dr. Steven Coppola and Glen Flamming, PT
  • Total CE Hours:    20
  • Course Format:     Live In Person Seminar
  • Course Start:    03/23/2024   08:00am
  • Course End:    03/24/2024   06:00pm
  • Time Zone:    Eastern
  • Location State:    Ohio
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
  •    Course Outline