Title: MRI of Disc Herniation, Stenosis, and Radiculopathy
Length to complete: 3 CE Hours (50-minute hours)
Course Description: Dr. James Demetrious provides an introductory discussion pertaining to a
chiropractic MRI assessment of disc herniation, spinal stenosis, and radiculopathy. (3.0 CE
Hourly Breakdown:
- Hour 1 – Tools and useful resources, epidemiology, interesting cases, the prevalence in
asymptomatic populations, IVD anatomy/ physiology, and causative factors.
- Hour 2 – Imaging clues, IVD nomenclature, and dynamic stenosis.
- Hour 3 – Cervical degenerative myelopathy, tandem spinal stenosis, cauda equina syndrome, chiropractic care, and complications of surgery.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will better understand current concepts related to ordering and interpreting
MRI studies of the spine.
Attendees will improve their ability to perform MRI overreads.
Attendees will have a better awareness of potential red flag clinical presentations and
improve their approach to difficult cases.
Accreditation: PACENote Packets (PDF): Available upon registration.Technology needed to take the class:
- Courses may be viewed upon appropriate computers, tablets and smartphones. Course handouts and certificates of completion are available to print.
Means to Monitor and assure Attendance:
- Our online, recorded coursework have programmed mechanisms to assureattendees do not advance without completing coursework and quizzes, timers,
inactivity monitors, quizzes that require an 80% pass rate and an attestation that
users of our site will faithfully complete coursework and compliance with their
state license renewal requirements.