Title: MRI Anatomy: Upper Cervical Spine
Length to complete: 2 CE Hours (50-minute hours)
Course description:
Hourly Breakdown:
- Hour1–Upper cervical musculature, neurology, denervation, atrophy, myodural bridges, and ligamentous structures.
- Hour2–Ligamentous injury on MRI, denticulate ligaments, post-traumatic C1 subluxation, C1 hypermobility, and lateral flexion AP-OM imaging.
Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will better understand current concepts related to the MRI anatomy of the upper cervical spine.
- Attendees will improve diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making.
- Attendees will be better prepared to read upper cervical MRI studies.
Prerequisites: None
Actual lessons: Narrated PPT MP4 File
Class Note Packets (PDF): Available upon purchasing class.
- Courses may be viewed upon appropriate computers, tablets and smartphones.
- Course handouts and certificates of completion are available to download and print.
Means to Monitor and assure Attendance:
- Our online, recorded coursework have programmed mechanisms to assure
attendees do not advance without completing coursework and quizzes, timers,
inactivity monitors, quizzes that require an 80% pass rate and an attestation that
users of our site will faithfully complete coursework and compliance with their state
license renewal requirements.