As people age, it is very common for the elderly to fall leading to mild or severe injury. Initially, the signs for conditions related to balance may be subtle; however, the information shared in this seminar enables doctors to optimally assist these people. People experiencing balance challenges are coming to chiropractic clinics with conditions related to MVAs, sports injuries, falls, or neurological issues. As chiropractors, we are ideally situated to be able to help these people. Remember that most people are unaware they are developing balance problems until they fall, or almost fall.
According to the Vestibular Disorders Association,over 90 million Americans age 17 and older, have experienced a dizziness or balance problem at some point in their lives. Almost 8 million people in the US have a problem with balance that has lasted over 3 months, and 2.5 million report a chronic dizziness problem. With the large amount of baby boomers entering "retirement age", there is increased concern about falling.
Most people over the age of 70 report some problem with dizziness and balance, and balance-related falls account for more than one-half of the accidental deaths in the elderly. In addition, individuals with a diagnosed vestibular problem who also exhibit symptoms have an incidence of falling that is 12 times that of the general population. This is not a small isolated problem.And, did you know that surveys show that children suffer dizziness or imbalance symptoms in 5.6% of children ages 3–17 years, of which 40% had visited a health care provider to evaluate their symptoms (Brodsky et al., 2020). The rate of dizziness and vertigo in adolescents reaches adult levels (Langhagen et al., 2015). Children with hearing difficulties are more at risk for dizziness and balance problems (Li et al., 2016).
It’s recommended, as one who treats those with balance related conditions that we learn where these types of conditions may lead.
Getting effective treatment is frequently complicated by the challenge of diagnosing the specific source of the problem and finding clinicians with the knowledge and experience to treat these problems. It is our hope that after attending this 2-part12-hour continued educational course that you become one of the clinicians people recommend to others when it comes to balance issues. Part 2 of this two part seminar will focus on proprioception, what it is and how do we improve it. Both parts are 6 hours long for a total of 12 hours.
course is designed to give basic essential information needed to assess
and treat uncomplicated vestibular dysfunction, as well as, diagnosis
and treatment of balance related disorders. You will learn the various
types of vestibular disorders, how they affect different populations and
basic clinical tools for appropriate evaluation and treatment
strategies. After completing the seminar, we believe you will be
equipped with the information needed to identify common clinical signs
and symptoms of the dizzy and imbalanced patient and incorporate an
appropriate treatment.