Male and Female Matters, Fitness and Performance Accelerated, Rapid Weight Loss, Case Studies & Clinical Protocols
By: SideCar, LLC

Course Description

Dr. Colker and Nurse Georgie will be presenting an in-depth symposium examining

both male and female hormone issues, an exposition of optimizing physical

performance through supplementation, and specific strategies for rapid weight loss

in the clinical setting. For male matters, they will delve into the pathophysiology and

management of andropause, testosterone, libido issues, testicular function and

physiology, and male sexual dysfunction.

Female matters will include a clear and understandable synopsis of menopause,

managements of waning hormones, estrogen and progesterone, evaluating and

handling hypothyroidism, testosterone in women, as well as youthfulness and female

sexuality. Optimizing physical fitness using specific strategies and maximizing

performance with a close look at anabolism versus catabolism will be covered.

After covering rapid weight loss strategies for clinical practice, including but not

limited to detox, cleanses, diet protocols, and treatment regimens, the team will finish

with specific case studies and protocols for your practice. Ample time will be provided

at the close for questioning the experts and getting the specific answers you may need.

Key Clinical Takeaways

• Understanding and managing male and female hormones.

• Keys to accelerating fitness and performance.

• Secrets to rapid weight loss strategies.

• Learn protocols from real case studies.

Course Details

  • Male and Female Matters, Fitness and Performance Accelerated, Rapid Weight Loss, Case Studies & Clinical Protocols
  • By:    SideCar, LLC
  • Instructor:    Carlon Colker, MD and Georgina McNiff, RN
  • Total CE Hours:    3
  • Course Format:     Online Distance Learning
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Nutrition  -3 CE Hours