• Discuss, in-depth, the physiology of the healing process as it relates to
early stage intervention strategies that are commonly used by clinicians.
• Discuss, in-depth, the neuroscience of trauma as it relates to early
recognition, pain, and biophysical responses.
• Evaluate the current body of evidence as it relates to common acute
care methods.
• Identify common flaws in the traditional methodology of the RICE
acronym for acute management of trauma, injuries, and post-operative
• Describe the variables that affect different body systems during acute
phase of healing including the neurological, lymphatic, cardiovascular,
immune, and musculoskeletal systems.
• Identify opportunities for more optimal interventions on key body
systems during the early phases of healing and recovery.
• Understand the current trends in modern pain science.
• Identify and discuss the psychosocial aspects of pain and healing.
• Develop a therapeutic alliance with patient by improved communication
and patient resources designed to ease injury anxiety and optimize
habits that can impact the healing process
• Understand and implement the MINDFUL acronym, and how it may be a
more well rounded strategic guide to acute management of trauma, as
well as subacute and chronic phases of healing.
• Develop evidence informed, manually based, interventional strategies
centered around pain relief, swelling mitigation, nutritional & lifestyle