This specialty course is designed for licensed healthcare professionals who treat neuromusculoskeletal conditions in the upper extremity and hand. The participant will learn IDN’s neurologic model of dry needling and how to integrate this physical agent modality into their daily clinical model of treatment. This lab-based course is focused on using dry needling as a tool to manage pain, restore function and to maximize soft tissue healing and elasticity. IDN’s peripheral nerve mapping model provides the framework for the clinician to address common neuromusculoskeletal conditions encountered in daily practice such as: tendinopathy, epicondylalgia, tenosynovitis, intrinsic and extrinsic tightness, shoulder rotator cuff/impingement syndromes, nerve entrapments, radicular pain, and OA. The course is designed for clinicians with and without prior dry needling training or experience to attend. The main focus is for the clinician to obtain safe and effective dry needling skills using sound clinical decision-making.