· THE AUDIENCE: Intended attendees are chiropractic physicians and chiropractic students treating back pain. They may have experience with Cox® Technic or be newly interested in what it has to offer. The Honors Course highlights what Cox® Technic does for its patients and its physicians as well as how it keeps the researchers busy documenting the science and its clinical and laboratory outcomes.
· THE VISION: The Honors Level Cox® Seminar highlights clinical application and clinical success of Cox® Technic physicians. It is designed for certified Cox® physicians to shine alongside the technique and its outcomes, research and history. It is the forum to enhance the ORAL TRADITION of Cox® Technic's clinical success with documentation.
· THE METHOD: Lead by Dr. James Cox, developer of Cox® Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompression Spinal Manipulation, and member(s) of the Cox® Technic Teaching Team, clinical applications, protocols and outcomes are presented by field doctors; research outcomes are presented; situations of healthcare multidisciplinary inclusion of Cox® are described by field doctors.
· THE FOCUS: This Honors Course delves into the available care options for spine pain patients: manipulation, surgery, pain control, rehabilitation/exercise, modalities, patient education. Its central theme is how Cox® Technic integrates with these options.
Goals/Objectives: At the end of the course, the attendee will
· have the protocol guide for protocols 1 and 2 to follow
· apply of Cox® Technic protocols after using the force transducer (when available) in hands-on practice.
· describe and demonstrate how to manage balance and back pain.
· name the two types of patients for whom Cox® protocols are appropriate.
· have a list of at least 70 of the latest published spinal research articles that affect care of the patient.
· define the PSCP/ FBSS patient and how to treat that patient.
· discuss the outcomes of the spinal biomechanics affected by Cox® Technic as well as clinical outcomes.
· describe how chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, curcumin, turmeric, black pepper work to heal and protect disc and joint material.