This course presents four studies Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns during commonly used rotator cuff exercises: an electromyographic study; Selective activation of the infraspinatus muscle, Electromyographic Analysis of the Rotator Cuff and Deltoid Musculature During Common Shoulder External Rotation Exercises and Electromyographic analysis of infraspinatus and scapular muscles during external shoulder rotation with different weight loads and positions and determining study design and level of evidence of each of the studies is the description of the course. The study details are below: -Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns during commonly used rotator cuff exercises: an electromyographic study - Research review: Study investigating shoulder muscle recruitment during commonly used rotator cuff exercises. Synopsis, summary, strengths, weaknesses, impact on practice, relevance and practical application. -Selective activation of the infraspinatus muscle - Research review: Studies investigating the relative activity of infraspinatus and posterior deltoid in commonly performed external rotation exercises. summary, strengths, weaknesses, impact on practice, relevance and practical application. -Electromyographic Analysis of the Rotator Cuff and Deltoid Musculature During Common Shoulder External Rotation Exercises - Research review: Study investigating the activity of deltoid and rotator cuff musculature during commonly used external rotator exercises. Synopsis, summary, strengths, weaknesses, impact on practice, relevance and practical application. -Electromyographic analysis of infraspinatus and scapular muscles during external shoulder rotation with different weight loads and positions This course presents four studies Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns during commonly used rotator cuff exercises: an electromyographic study; Selective activation of the infraspinatus muscle, Electromyographic Analysis of the Rotator Cuff and Deltoid Musculature During Common Shoulder External Rotation Exercises and Electromyographic analysis of infraspinatus and scapular muscles during external shoulder rotation with different weight loads and positions and determining study design and level of evidence of each of the studies is the description of the course. The study details are below: -Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns during commonly used rotator cuff exercises: an electromyographic study - Research review: Study investigating shoulder muscle recruitment during commonly used rotator cuff exercises. Synopsis, summary, strengths, weaknesses, impact on practice, relevance and practical application. -Selective activation of the infraspinatus muscle - Research review: Studies investigating the relative activity of infraspinatus and posterior deltoid in commonly performed external rotation exercises. summary, strengths, weaknesses, impact on practice, relevance and practical application. -Electromyographic Analysis of the Rotator Cuff and Deltoid Musculature During Common Shoulder External Rotation Exercises - Research review: Study investigating the activity of deltoid and rotator cuff musculature during commonly used external rotator exercises. Synopsis, summary, strengths, weaknesses, impact on practice, relevance and practical application. -Electromyographic analysis of infraspinatus and scapular muscles during external shoulder rotation with different weight loads and positions