Chiropractic TeleSeminar Management of Common Conditions 320
By:, A Division of Surgent Pharmcon LLC

Course Description

Educational Objectives Discuss the specific pattern of contracted and weak muscles found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome. Discern the effects on the spine, upper extremity and pelvis from the spastic and weak muscle pattern. Apply modalities and manual methods to treat weak and contracted muscles. Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching and exercise. Determine spinal, extraspinal and pelvic effects of the abnormal muscular patterns found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome and apply treatment protocol. Please visit and click on the Teleseminar link to see our scheduling of upcoming live Teleseminars. Educational Objectives Discuss the specific pattern of contracted and weak muscles found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome. Discern the effects on the spine, upper extremity and pelvis from the spastic and weak muscle pattern. Apply modalities and manual methods to treat weak and contracted muscles. Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching and exercise. Determine spinal, extraspinal and pelvic effects of the abnormal muscular patterns found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome and apply treatment protocol. Please visit and click on the Teleseminar link to see our scheduling of upcoming live Teleseminars.Educational ObjectivesDiscuss the specific pattern of contracted and weak muscles found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome.Discern the effects on the spine, upper extremity and pelvis from the spastic and weak muscle pattern.Apply modalities and manual methods to treat weak and contracted muscles.Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching and exercise.Determine spinal, extraspinal and pelvic effects of the abnormal muscular patterns found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome and apply treatment protocol.

Course Details

  • Chiropractic TeleSeminar Management of Common Conditions 320
  • By:, A Division of Surgent Pharmcon LLC
  • Instructor:    Linda Simon, DC
  • Total CE Hours:    1
  • Course Format:     Live Webinar
  • Course Start:    09/20/2023   08:00pm
  • Course End:    09/20/2023   09:00pm
  • Time Zone:    Eastern
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Differential/Physical Diagnosis  -1 CE Hours