Course Objective: The cervical spine and craniocervical junction are decidedly complex and vitally important regions, warranting dedicated study. This course will provide insights into accomplishing quality radiographic examinations and give focused instruction on applying diagnostic imaging, to include radiography and advanced imaging modalities, to the evaluation and management of patients with special attention to the cervical spine and craniocervical junction. This course will help develop the knowledge and skills needed by upper cervical chiropractors to allow purposeful application of diagnostic imaging to patient management. This lecture will assist the upper cervical doctor in understanding the concepts fundamental to accomplishing diagnostic imaging quality to rival the best dedicated imaging centers, with emphasis on x-ray physics, radiographic technique, and navigating digital imaging. Radiographs will be reviewed to demonstrate select normal variants and pathologies. Advanced imaging of the cervical spine will be reviewed with special attention to CT and MRI. Whiplash injury will be explored, inclusive of a review of the ligamentous structures of the upper cervical spine. There will be discussion of the vascular and CSF dynamics of the head and neck with review of the various types of Chiari malformations.