Location: Albuquerque, NM Instructors: Laura Hobson, DC-APC and George Simmons, DC-APC Hours: 10hrs of which 2hrs remote 8hrs hands-on Program description: Participants will have a one day intensive of hands-on training of trigger point injection techniques to address myofascial pain syndrome. Participants will be required to complete the remote two hour theory of myofascial trigger point pain portion and test prior to the classroom time. This seminar is intended for those whose licensure allows for injection procedures. Attendees will practice on each other and will be required to sign a form for consent to treatment. Program Goals and Objectives: Upon successful completion of this program, the participant should be able to: Understand common myofascial trigger point pain referral patterns Identify anatomical danger zones and contraindications to injections Prepare syringes with injectate and develop needle handling skills Palpate common and subtle trigger points Increase proficiency of performing trigger point injections Program Topics Billing/coding; Documentation; Injection techniques; Diff/DX; Anatomy