COURSE DESCRIPTION: The therapeutic ideal stipulates that the recovery of health must be gentle, pleasant, rapid, complete and durable. In fact, this therapeutic ideal is the only mission of physician towards the sick. The question that comes up is, how to systematically achieve this therapeutic ideal? Sagacious physicians have demonstrated throughout the centuries that the application of the fundamental of medicine is the way to obtain extraordinary results. This is made clear by the following adage that is thought to come from the Hippocratic school: “Listen to the laws of nature, and be guided by them in action.” Dr. André Saine will draw the roadmap on how to reach the promised land of naturopathic medicine, which he will illustrate with cases of radical cure that he witnessed over his 40-year career. A radical cure is meant to be a quick and permanent recovery of health following a simple intervention. Both new and experienced homeopathic and naturopathic physicians will benefit from Dr. Saine’s discussion of how to obtain radical cures which seem impossible with conventional allopathic treatment. The conference will cover about 2/3rds lasting cures with homeopathy and about 1/3 of the cases discussed will be cures involving other modalities used by NDs, such as fasting, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, diet, cranial manipulation, etc. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Course attendees will have a better understanding of: • How to apply Homeopathic remedies to difficult cases. • Principles of homeopathy and how to apply them when conventional treatments might fail.