THE CLINICAL POSTURE PRACTICE Online 15 online hours - Five- 3 hours modules Seminar Overview As the 77 million boomers approach their elder years, one thing is clear: The future of healthcare will not look like the past. Regardless of the current PPACA/ObamaCare changes, back pain and arthritis are each growing $100 billion+ problems which will only worsen as our sedentary population ages. Back pain is the traditional mainstay of most chiropractic practices, a $100 billion+ problems which will worsen as 77 million boomers get older. By teaching people to focus on retraining their unique motion patterns by correlating their subjective motion to external reality, StrongPosture™ exercise protocols engage patients by empowering them for pain relief, and then provide a path to daily posture exercise for wellness, performance and aging well. From medical and health providers to the general public, everyone acknowledges the importance of exercise and staying in motion, and all motion begins with posture. Focusing on posture is a unifying concept for DCs to align with this truth and the rising meme of staying active to position the unique contribution of the chiropractic practice. New research studies increasingly support the value of posture, chiropractic and moving well for neck and back pain: - Chiropractic plus exercise is superior to medication for neck pain Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial, Bronfort et al Ann Intern Med January 3, 2012 156:1-10 - "Conclusion: Immediate pain reduction can be achieved by altering muscle activation and movement patterns. However, the combination for optimal success appears to be different for every individual. " Can Altering Motions, Postures and Loads Provide Immediate Low Back Pain Relief: A Study of Four Cases Investigating Spine Load, Posture and Stability, Ikeda and Stu McGill, SPINE 2012 Nov 1;3723:E1469-75. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31826c97e5 In addition, research is also now showing the importance of posture for wellness, aging and actually living longer not surprising as people who move better tend to exercise more and breath more deeply. - Women with a jutting forward head posture were found to have almost half again the risk of dying during the course of one 4 year study. D. Kado, MD, Huang, DrPH, A. Karlamangla, MD, PhD*,, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Volume 52 issue10,p1662 -10/2004 - A 20 year University of London study looked at over 4,200 men aged 40-59 and found strong correlation between losing height and mortality. The authors speculated that slumping over postures caused a physical restriction of breathing which significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory mortality. Height Loss in Older Men- Associations With Total Mortality and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease S. Goya Wannamethee, PhD; Shaper, Lennon, & Whincup Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:2546-2552. The Clinical Posture Practice OnlineCPPO will provide tools for building a patient’s posture strength and awareness through a program of sequential progression of posture exercise along three tracks Balance-Alignment-Motion, explained with patient-friendly concepts of postural bio-mechanics. Clinical Posture Practice Online © Copyright 2014 Steven P. Weiniger, DC All Rights Reserved The course teaches clinicians to progress patients from acute care passive therapy + posture awareness through rehab care less passive therapy + increasing active rehab care exercises to train posture control and onto wellness daily posture exercises combined with periodic passive therapy to maximize the bio-mechanic benefits of other exercise and ADLs. The overall goal: Helping people move, feel and be well. Chronic low back sufferers showed significantly less pain and improved ability to move after a 6 month posture training program. Motor Control Learning in Chronic Low Back Pain, Magnusson,, Spine. July 15, 2008 Perceived value is key to people choosing a service, and strengthening posture is an unrealized niche. In addition to studies correlating increased mortality and pain with worsening posture, conventional wisdom favors the benefits of improving posture. When asked to think of someone they want to be like at age eighty, people almost always think of someone with good posture because they seem to enjoy better overall wellness. As boomers age, their posture will slump, and the ME generation of the 70’s will not be content to see their bodies slump with age. “Research suggests that vertebral fractures have been overrated as a cause of height loss and hunching. Another big reason may simply be bad posture.” Harvard Medical School Adviser, Harvard Publishing, January 24, 2006 Clinical Posture Practice Online presents engaging lecture videos, animations and detailed focused motion exercise videos in a patient friendly, research based framework of bio-mechanical concepts. Attendees learn to practically integrating passive and active techniques and demonstrably strengthening a patient’s posture for pain-relief, injury prevention and wellness. In other words, positioning themselves to create a posture practice, relieving pain and promoting posture exercise, to help people move and age well. Seminar Objectives Seminar attendees will learn essential tools for creating a Clinical Posture Practice including: Posture Assessment Posture strengthening techniques for common adaptations and distortions Focused motion posture exercise to strengthen posture and balance Clinical tools and educational models to empower patients This 15 hour course consists of 5-3 hour modules containing lecture and exercise video along with supportive reading Modules are sequential, and are not intended be taken out of order. Each module is composed of classes which are also sequential. Each video must be completed before the next video will play, assuring attendance and avoiding the temptation to “skip ahead”. Periodic online tests will assure understanding of concepts. If a test is failed additional attempts will be allowed. Each 3 hour module will contain concepts, research and actionable clinical exercises in a congruent, posture focused context. Modules will progressively build on the following: -Aging & Social Demographics -Postural Anatomy and Bio-mechanics -Functional Posture Rehab Exercise and Training Balance Track Alignment Track Motion Track Progressions and Peel-backs of above -Common clinical presentations Observing and correlating posture, gait and symptoms -Patient management Integration with passive therapies Non-pharmaceutic pain control/management ADL modification and training Spearheading and promoting a focus on posture towards becoming a posture aware society is a path for DCs to create chiropractic cultural authority by aligning with the trends of aging boomers and changing healthcare economics. Strengthening posture is a common ground for all motion based health and fitness professionals to help people Move, Feel and Be Well. THE CLINICAL POSTURE PRACTICE Online 15 online hours - Five- 3 hours modules Seminar Overview As the 77 million boomers approach their elder years, one thing is clear: The future of healthcare will not look like the past. Regardless of the current PPACA/ObamaCare changes, back pain and arthritis are each growing $100 billion+ problems which will only worsen as our sedentary population ages. Back pain is the traditional mainstay of most chiropractic practices, a $100 billion+ problems which will worsen as 77 million boomers get older. By teaching people to focus on retraining their unique motion patterns by correlating their subjective motion to external reality, StrongPosture™ exercise protocols engage patients by empowering them for pain relief, and then provide a path to daily posture exercise for wellness, performance and aging well. From medical and health providers to the general public, everyone acknowledges the importance of exercise and staying in motion, and all motion begins with posture. Focusing on posture is a unifying concept for DCs to align with this truth and the rising meme of staying active to position the unique contribution of the chiropractic practice. New research studies increasingly support the value of posture, chiropractic and moving well for neck and back pain: - Chiropractic plus exercise is superior to medication for neck pain Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial, Bronfort et al Ann Intern Med January 3, 2012 156:1-10 - "Conclusion: Immediate pain reduction can be achieved by altering muscle activation and movement patterns. However, the combination for optimal success appears to be different for every individual. " Can Altering Motions, Postures and Loads Provide Immediate Low Back Pain Relief: A Study of Four Cases Investigating Spine Load, Posture and Stability, Ikeda and Stu McGill, SPINE 2012 Nov 1;3723:E1469-75. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31826c97e5 In addition, research is also now showing the importance of posture for wellness, aging and actually living longer not surprising as people who move better tend to exercise more and breath more deeply. - Women with a jutting forward head posture were found to have almost half again the risk of dying during the course of one 4 year study. D. Kado, MD, Huang, DrPH, A. Karlamangla, MD, PhD*,, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Volume 52 issue10,p1662 -10/2004 - A 20 year University of London study looked at over 4,200 men aged 40-59 and found strong correlation between losing height and mortality. The authors speculated that slumping over postures caused a physical restriction of breathing which significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory mortality. Height Loss in Older Men- Associations With Total Mortality and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease S. Goya Wannamethee, PhD; Shaper, Lennon, & Whincup Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:2546-2552. The Clinical Posture Practice OnlineCPPO will provide tools for building a patient’s posture strength and awareness through a program of sequential progression of posture exercise along three tracks Balance-Alignment-Motion, explained with patient-friendly concepts of postural bio-mechanics. Clinical Posture Practice Online © Copyright 2014 Steven P. Weiniger, DC All Rights Reserved The course teaches clinicians to progress patients from acute care passive therapy + posture awareness through rehab care less passive therapy + increasing active rehab care exercises to train posture control and onto wellness daily posture exercises combined with periodic passive therapy to maximize the bio-mechanic benefits of other exercise and ADLs. The overall goal: Helping people move, feel and be well. Chronic low back sufferers showed significantly less pain and improved ability to move after a 6 month posture training program. Motor Control Learning in Chronic Low Back Pain, Magnusson,, Spine. July 15, 2008 Perceived value is key to people choosing a service, and strengthening posture is an unrealized niche. In addition to studies correlating increased mortality and pain with worsening posture, conventional wisdom favors the benefits of improving posture. When asked to think of someone they want to be like at age eighty, people almost always think of someone with good posture because they seem to enjoy better overall wellness. As boomers age, their posture will slump, and the ME generation of the 70’s will not be content to see their bodies slump with age. “Research suggests that vertebral fractures have been overrated as a cause of height loss and hunching. Another big reason may simply be bad posture.” Harvard Medical School Adviser, Harvard Publishing, January 24, 2006 Clinical Posture Practice Online presents engaging lecture videos, animations and detailed focused motion exercise videos in a patient friendly, research based framework of bio-mechanical concepts. Attendees learn to practically integrating passive and active techniques and demonstrably strengthening a patient’s posture for pain-relief, injury prevention and wellness. In other words, positioning themselves to create a posture practice, relieving pain and promoting posture exercise, to help people move and age well. Seminar Objectives Seminar attendees will learn essential tools for creating a Clinical Posture Practice including: Posture Assessment Posture strengthening techniques for common adaptations and distortions Focused motion posture exercise to strengthen posture and balance Clinical tools and educational models to empower patients This 15 hour course consists of 5-3 hour modules containing lecture and exercise video along with supportive reading Modules are sequential, and are not intended be taken out of order. Each module is composed of classes which are also sequential. Each video must be completed before the next video will play, assuring attendance and avoiding the temptation to “skip ahead”. Periodic online tests will assure understanding of concepts. If a test is failed additional attempts will be allowed. Each 3 hour module will contain concepts, research and actionable clinical exercises in a congruent, posture focused context. Modules will progressively build on the following: -Aging & Social Demographics -Postural Anatomy and Bio-mechanics -Functional Posture Rehab Exercise and Training Balance Track Alignment Track Motion Track Progressions and Peel-backs of above -Common clinical presentations Observing and correlating posture, gait and symptoms -Patient management Integration with passive therapies Non-pharmaceutic pain control/management ADL modification and training Spearheading and promoting a focus on posture towards becoming a posture aware society is a path for DCs to create chiropractic cultural authority by aligning with the trends of aging boomers and changing healthcare economics. Strengthening posture is a common ground for all motion based health and fitness professionals to help people Move, Feel and Be Well. The information in this course will benefit the following professionals: MD, ND, DC, PT, Athletic & Personal Trainers, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Acupuncturists, and Wellness Coaches. The PACE system provides CE credit for DC's automatically. Check with your licensing body for other professions to confirm CE hours are applicable. THE CLINICAL POSTURE PRACTICE Online 15 online hours - Five- 3 hours modules Seminar Overview As the 77 million boomers approach their elder years, one thing is clear: The future of healthcare will not look like the past. Regardless of the current PPACA/ObamaCare changes, back pain and arthritis are each growing $100 billion+ problems which will only worsen as our sedentary population ages. Back pain is the traditional mainstay of most chiropractic practices, a $100 billion+ problems which will worsen as 77 million boomers get older. By teaching people to focus on retraining their unique motion patterns by correlating their subjective motion to external reality, StrongPosture™ exercise protocols engage patients by empowering them for pain relief, and then provide a path to daily posture exercise for wellness, performance and aging well. From medical and health providers to the general public, everyone acknowledges the importance of exercise and staying in motion, and all motion begins with posture. Focusing on posture is a unifying concept for DCs to align with this truth and the rising meme of staying active to position the unique contribution of the chiropractic practice. New research studies increasingly support the value of posture, chiropractic and moving well for neck and back pain: - Chiropractic plus exercise is superior to medication for neck pain Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial, Bronfort et al Ann Intern Med January 3, 2012 156:1-10 - "Conclusion: Immediate pain reduction can be achieved by altering muscle activation and movement patterns. However, the combination for optimal success appears to be different for every individual. " Can Altering Motions, Postures and Loads Provide Immediate Low Back Pain Relief: A Study of Four Cases Investigating Spine Load, Posture and Stability, Ikeda and Stu McGill, SPINE 2012 Nov 1;3723:E1469-75. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31826c97e5 In addition, research is also now showing the importance of posture for wellness, aging and actually living longer not surprising as people who move better tend to exercise more and breath more deeply. - Women with a jutting forward head posture were found to have almost half again the risk of dying during the course of one 4 year study. D. Kado, MD, Huang, DrPH, A. Karlamangla, MD, PhD*,, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Volume 52 issue10,p1662 -10/2004 - A 20 year University of London study looked at over 4,200 men aged 40-59 and found strong correlation between losing height and mortality. The authors speculated that slumping over postures caused a physical restriction of breathing which significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory mortality. Height Loss in Older Men- Associations With Total Mortality and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease S. Goya Wannamethee, PhD; Shaper, Lennon, & Whincup Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:2546-2552. The Clinical Posture Practice OnlineCPPO will provide tools for building a patient’s posture strength and awareness through a program of sequential progression of posture exercise along three tracks Balance-Alignment-Motion, explained with patient-friendly concepts of postural bio-mechanics. Clinical Posture Practice Online © Copyright 2014 Steven P. Weiniger, DC All Rights Reserved The course teaches clinicians to progress patients from acute care passive therapy + posture awareness through rehab care less passive therapy + increasing active rehab care exercises to train posture control and onto wellness daily posture exercises combined with periodic passive therapy to maximize the bio-mechanic benefits of other exercise and ADLs. The overall goal: Helping people move, feel and be well. Chronic low back sufferers showed significantly less pain and improved ability to move after a 6 month posture training program. Motor Control Learning in Chronic Low Back Pain, Magnusson,, Spine. July 15, 2008 Perceived value is key to people choosing a service, and strengthening posture is an unrealized niche. In addition to studies correlating increased mortality and pain with worsening posture, conventional wisdom favors the benefits of improving posture. When asked to think of someone they want to be like at age eighty, people almost always think of someone with good posture because they seem to enjoy better overall wellness. As boomers age, their posture will slump, and the ME generation of the 70’s will not be content to see their bodies slump with age. “Research suggests that vertebral fractures have been overrated as a cause of height loss and hunching. Another big reason may simply be bad posture.” Harvard Medical School Adviser, Harvard Publishing, January 24, 2006 Clinical Posture Practice Online presents engaging lecture videos, animations and detailed focused motion exercise videos in a patient friendly, research based framework of bio-mechanical concepts. Attendees learn to practically integrating passive and active techniques and demonstrably strengthening a patient’s posture for pain-relief, injury prevention and wellness. In other words, positioning themselves to create a posture practice, relieving pain and promoting posture exercise, to help people move and age well. Seminar Objectives Seminar attendees will learn essential tools for creating a Clinical Posture Practice including: Posture Assessment Posture strengthening techniques for common adaptations and distortions Focused motion posture exercise to strengthen posture and balance Clinical tools and educational models to empower patients This 15 hour course consists of 5-3 hour modules containing lecture and exercise video along with supportive reading Modules are sequential, and are not intended be taken out of order. Each module is composed of classes which are also sequential. Each video must be completed before the next video will play, assuring attendance and avoiding the temptation to “skip ahead”. Periodic online tests will assure understanding of concepts. If a test is failed additional attempts will be allowed. Each 3 hour module will contain concepts, research and actionable clinical exercises in a congruent, posture focused context. Modules will progressively build on the following: -Aging & Social Demographics -Postural Anatomy and Bio-mechanics -Functional Posture Rehab Exercise and Training Balance Track Alignment Track Motion Track Progressions and Peel-backs of above -Common clinical presentations Observing and correlating posture, gait and symptoms -Patient management Integration with passive therapies Non-pharmaceutic pain control/management ADL modification and training Spearheading and promoting a focus on posture towards becoming a posture aware society is a path for DCs to create chiropractic cultural authority by aligning with the trends of aging boomers and changing healthcare economics. Strengthening posture is a common ground for all motion based health and fitness professionals to help people Move, Feel and Be Well. The information in this course will benefit the following professionals: MD, ND, DC, PT, Athletic & Personal Trainers, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Acupuncturists, and Wellness Coaches. The PACE system provides CE credit for DC's automatically. Check with your licensing body for other professions to confirm CE hours are applicable. THE CLINICAL POSTURE PRACTICE Online 15 online hours - Five- 3 hours modules Seminar Overview As the 77 million boomers approach their elder years, one thing is clear: The future of healthcare will not look like the past. Regardless of the current PPACA/ObamaCare changes, back pain and arthritis are each growing $100 billion+ problems which will only worsen as our sedentary population ages. Back pain is the traditional mainstay of most chiropractic practices, a $100 billion+ problems which will worsen as 77 million boomers get older. By teaching people to focus on retraining their unique motion patterns by correlating their subjective motion to external reality, StrongPosture™ exercise protocols engage patients by empowering them for pain relief, and then provide a path to daily posture exercise for wellness, performance and aging well. From medical and health providers to the general public, everyone acknowledges the importance of exercise and staying in motion, and all motion begins with posture. Focusing on posture is a unifying concept for DCs to align with this truth and the rising meme of staying active to position the unique contribution of the chiropractic practice. New research studies increasingly support the value of posture, chiropractic and moving well for neck and back pain: - Chiropractic plus exercise is superior to medication for neck pain Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial, Bronfort et al Ann Intern Med January 3, 2012 156:1-10 - "Conclusion: Immediate pain reduction can be achieved by altering muscle activation and movement patterns. However, the combination for optimal success appears to be different for every individual. " Can Altering Motions, Postures and Loads Provide Immediate Low Back Pain Relief: A Study of Four Cases Investigating Spine Load, Posture and Stability, Ikeda and Stu McGill, SPINE 2012 Nov 1;3723:E1469-75. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31826c97e5 In addition, research is also now showing the importance of posture for wellness, aging and actually living longer not surprising as people who move better tend to exercise more and breath more deeply. - Women with a jutting forward head posture were found to have almost half again the risk of dying during the course of one 4 year study. D. Kado, MD, Huang, DrPH, A. Karlamangla, MD, PhD*,, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Volume 52 issue10,p1662 -10/2004 - A 20 year University of London study looked at over 4,200 men aged 40-59 and found strong correlation between losing height and mortality. The authors speculated that slumping over postures caused a physical restriction of breathing which significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory mortality. Height Loss in Older Men- Associations With Total Mortality and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease S. Goya Wannamethee, PhD; Shaper, Lennon, & Whincup Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:2546-2552. The Clinical Posture Practice OnlineCPPO will provide tools for building a patient’s posture strength and awareness through a program of sequential progression of posture exercise along three tracks Balance-Alignment-Motion, explained with patient-friendly concepts of postural bio-mechanics. Clinical Posture Practice Online © Copyright 2014 Steven P. Weiniger, DC All Rights Reserved The course teaches clinicians to progress patients from acute care passive therapy + posture awareness through rehab care less passive therapy + increasing active rehab care exercises to train posture control and onto wellness daily posture exercises combined with periodic passive therapy to maximize the bio-mechanic benefits of other exercise and ADLs. The overall goal: Helping people move, feel and be well. Chronic low back sufferers showed significantly less pain and improved ability to move after a 6 month posture training program. Motor Control Learning in Chronic Low Back Pain, Magnusson,, Spine. July 15, 2008 Perceived value is key to people choosing a service, and strengthening posture is an unrealized niche. In addition to studies correlating increased mortality and pain with worsening posture, conventional wisdom favors the benefits of improving posture. When asked to think of someone they want to be like at age eighty, people almost always think of someone with good posture because they seem to enjoy better overall wellness. As boomers age, their posture will slump, and the ME generation of the 70’s will not be content to see their bodies slump with age. “Research suggests that vertebral fractures have been overrated as a cause of height loss and hunching. Another big reason may simply be bad posture.” Harvard Medical School Adviser, Harvard Publishing, January 24, 2006 Clinical Posture Practice Online presents engaging lecture videos, animations and detailed focused motion exercise videos in a patient friendly, research based framework of bio-mechanical concepts. Attendees learn to practically integrating passive and active techniques and demonstrably strengthening a patient’s posture for pain-relief, injury prevention and wellness. In other words, positioning themselves to create a posture practice, relieving pain and promoting posture exercise, to help people move and age well. Seminar Objectives Seminar attendees will learn essential tools for creating a Clinical Posture Practice including: Posture Assessment Posture strengthening techniques for common adaptations and distortions Focused motion posture exercise to strengthen posture and balance Clinical tools and educational models to empower patients This 15 hour course consists of 5-3 hour modules containing lecture and exercise video along with supportive reading Modules are sequential, and are not intended be taken out of order. Each module is composed of classes which are also sequential. Each video must be completed before the next video will play, assuring attendance and avoiding the temptation to “skip ahead”. Periodic online tests will assure understanding of concepts. If a test is failed additional attempts will be allowed. Each 3 hour module will contain concepts, research and actionable clinical exercises in a congruent, posture focused context. Modules will progressively build on the following: -Aging & Social Demographics -Postural Anatomy and Bio-mechanics -Functional Posture Rehab Exercise and Training Balance Track Alignment Track Motion Track Progressions and Peel-backs of above -Common clinical presentations Observing and correlating posture, gait and symptoms -Patient management Integration with passive therapies Non-pharmaceutic pain control/management ADL modification and training Spearheading and promoting a focus on posture towards becoming a posture aware society is a path for DCs to create chiropractic cultural authority by aligning with the trends of aging boomers and changing healthcare economics. Strengthening posture is a common ground for all motion based health and fitness professionals to help people Move, Feel and Be Well. The information in this course will benefit the following professionals: MD, ND, DC, PT, Athletic & Personal Trainers, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Acupuncturists, and Wellness Coaches. The PACE system provides CE credit for DC's automatically. Check with your licensing body for other professions to confirm CE hours are applicable. THE CLINICAL POSTURE PRACTICE Online 15 online hours - Five- 3 hours modules Seminar Overview As the 77 million boomers approach their elder years, one thing is clear: The future of healthcare will not look like the past. Regardless of the current PPACA/ObamaCare changes, back pain and arthritis are each growing $100 billion+ problems which will only worsen as our sedentary population ages. Back pain is the traditional mainstay of most chiropractic practices, a $100 billion+ problems which will worsen as 77 million boomers get older. By teaching people to focus on retraining their unique motion patterns by correlating their subjective motion to external reality, StrongPosture™ exercise protocols engage patients by empowering them for pain relief, and then provide a path to daily posture exercise for wellness, performance and aging well. From medical and health providers to the general public, everyone acknowledges the importance of exercise and staying in motion, and all motion begins with posture. Focusing on posture is a unifying concept for DCs to align with this truth and the rising meme of staying active to position the unique contribution of the chiropractic practice. New research studies increasingly support the value of posture, chiropractic and moving well for neck and back pain: - Chiropractic plus exercise is superior to medication for neck pain Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial, Bronfort et al Ann Intern Med January 3, 2012 156:1-10 - "Conclusion: Immediate pain reduction can be achieved by altering muscle activation and movement patterns. However, the combination for optimal success appears to be different for every individual. " Can Altering Motions, Postures and Loads Provide Immediate Low Back Pain Relief: A Study of Four Cases Investigating Spine Load, Posture and Stability, Ikeda and Stu McGill, SPINE 2012 Nov 1;3723:E1469-75. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31826c97e5 In addition, research is also now showing the importance of posture for wellness, aging and actually living longer not surprising as people who move better tend to exercise more and breath more deeply. - Women with a jutting forward head posture were found to have almost half again the risk of dying during the course of one 4 year study. D. Kado, MD, Huang, DrPH, A. Karlamangla, MD, PhD*,, Journal