Chiropractic Neurology, Treatments & Protocols for Migraines, ADD/ADHD and Concussions By: National University of Health Sciences
Course Description
This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of the anatomy and neurological processes and how chiropractic treatment can affect these processes. It will enable the doctor to better assess the patient for the best treatment protocols and educate him on whether treating or referring is recommended. This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of the anatomy and neurological processes and how chiropractic treatment can affect these processes. It will enable the doctor to better assess the patient for the best treatment protocols and educate him on whether treating or referring is recommended. This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of the anatomy and neurological processes and how chiropractic treatment can affect these processes. It will enable the doctor to better assess the patient for the best treatment protocols and educate him on whether treating or referring is recommended.
Course Details
Chiropractic Neurology, Treatments & Protocols for Migraines, ADD/ADHD and Concussions