CL 2495 Cervical Spine Imaging (1 CE hour, $25) - Online - UWS
By: University of Western States (UWS)

Course Description

CL 2495 Cervical Spine Imaging - 1 hour Online Course Description This lecture will focus on the advanced imaging findings of common injuries seen in the spine, hip, and shoulder and correlating those findings clinically to determine the best diagnosis and follow-up. In addition, we will look at the appearance of common nomenclature used when describing lumbar spine MRI findings, especially Modic degenerative changes and disc bulges and herniations, and discuss what it means for the patient and clinician. This module will provide an overview of common injuries of the cervical spine and the imaging findings associated with those injuries, with a focus on advanced imaging findings. Course Goals After completing this course, the learner should be able to: Discuss the rationale behind ordering advanced imaging of the spine or extremities and what types of imaging are best for certain areas and conditions. Review common descriptive terms and MRI findings of the lumbar spine, including Modic changes and types of disc bulges and herniations, and discuss clinical correlation of these findings to the patient. Review the imaging findings of common injuries of the cervical spine, hip, and shoulder and discuss correlation of those imaging findings with clinical findings to determine the best diagnosis.

Course Details

  • CL 2495 Cervical Spine Imaging (1 CE hour, $25) - Online - UWS
  • By:    University of Western States (UWS)
  • Instructor:    Sara Mathov, DC, DACBR, ATC
  • Total CE Hours:    1
  • Course Format:    
  • Course Categories:    
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS: