2024 Upper East Seminar
By: Tennessee Chiropractic Association

Course Description

Functional Neurology, Chiropractic & Clinical Pearls for Practice - DC Session

This course will be an engaging and informative presentation that relates the application of functional neurology principles into the practice of chiropractic. What is the relationship of tone and nervous system regulation; cervical lordosis and autonomic function, grip strength or blood pressure as a vital sign; memory and word recall – the mini-Cog versus SCOAT and many other pearls for the daily practice.

Why Chiropractic? - CTA Session
This seminar is an overview of what chiropractic is and how it fits into the healthcare system. Dr. Dan will teach how the human body is wired and how chiropractic fits into the system to help people with common health-related problems. During the 6 hours, there will be anatomy of the nervous system, an easy explanation as to how body’s work to maintain homeostasis, health without the burden of illness. Dr. Dan will also demonstrate how the body is affected by injury and how to incorporate these strategies into Monday morning. Dr. Dan’s goal is to make you better CTAs and give you more information to tell your patients-so they understand better the hows and whys of chiropractic.

DC Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence
The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires all newly-licensed Tennessee chiropractors to complete a one-time six (6) hour board-approved course in risk management, sexual/professional boundaries, and Tennessee statutory and regulatory chiropractic jurisprudence. This course is designed to help the newly-licensed chiropractor more clearly understand all issues surrounding the profession of chiropractic in Tennessee.

CTA/CXT Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence
The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires all newly-licensed Tennessee CTAs/CXTs to complete a one-time two (2) hour board-approved course in risk management, sexual/professional boundaries, and Tennessee statutory and regulatory chiropractic jurisprudence. This course is designed to help the newly-licensed CTA/CXT more clearly understand all issues surrounding the profession of chiropractic in Tennessee.

Course Details

  • 2024 Upper East Seminar
  • By:    Tennessee Chiropractic Association
  • Instructor:    Dr. Michael Hall, Dr. Dan Watkins, Tiffany Stevens, ED
  • Total CE Hours:    12 hrs. DC CE, 6 hrs. CTA CE, 6 hrs. DC Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence, 2 hrs. CTA/CXT Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence
  • Course Format:     Live In Person Seminar
  • Course Start:    02/24/2024   08:00am
  • Course End:    02/25/2024   12:00pm
  • Time Zone:    Eastern
  • Location State:    Tennessee
  • Course Categories:     Board-Mandated Remediation, Chiropractic Assistants, DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Corrective/Therapeutic Exercise  -2 CE Hours
    • Ethics  -5 CE Hours
    • History and Exam  -3 CE Hours
    • Jurisprudence - State Specific  -3 CE Hours
    • Neurology  -12 CE Hours
    • Patient Communication  -1 CE Hours
  •    Course Outline