7 Steps to StrongPosture Biomechanic Assessment, Rehab & Living Well
The global crisis in low back pain, device-related syndromes such as "text-neck" and an aging generation of boomers are increasingly relevant, making posture a growing concern in our slumping society. Research-driven clinical guidelines are highlighting the biopsychosocial impacts of body-mind interactions, especially for chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Posture-focused therapy begins with reducing restrictions to movement (i.e., spinal manipulation as well as fascial and muscle work), and then retraining neglected motion patterns towards symmetry. From a functional perspective, strengthening posture involves using standardized functional cueing to observe and then correct deficits in sensorimotor control. Providing verbal, proprioceptive and tactile feedback of subtle deviations between the perceived posture and motion with respect to external reality allows for systematic retraining of compensatory and adaptive patterns of balance and stabilization on a granular level, an often-overlooked factor in clinical NMS practices. The 7 Steps to StrongPosture framework blends common-sense concepts to find an retrain neglected muscles and subtle motions. Proprioceptive Posture Principle demonstrations engage subtleties of the body's posture, balance and motion in subtle ways that can be felt, and effectively communicated to increase patients' understanding of basic bio-mechanics.
The first 6 hours is a shared session with CTAs.
DC Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence
The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires all newly-licensed Tennessee chiropractors to complete a one-time six (6) hour board-approved course in risk management, sexual/professional boundaries, and Tennessee statutory and regulatory chiropractic jurisprudence. This course is designed to help the newly-licensed chiropractor more clearly understand all issues surrounding the profession of chiropractic in Tennessee.
CTA/CXT Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence
The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires all newly-licensed Tennessee CTAs/CXTs to complete a one-time two (2) hour board-approved course in risk management, sexual/professional boundaries, and Tennessee statutory and regulatory chiropractic jurisprudence. This course is designed to help the newly-licensed CTA/CXT more clearly understand all issues surrounding the profession of chiropractic in Tennessee.