2022 December Seminar
By: Tennessee Chiropractic Association

Course Description

Providing Exceptional Rehabilitation in Any Busy Chiropractic Practice

Rehabilitation can seem daunting and time consuming in the modern practice system. However, there’s no debating that patients who strength train consistently have 46% lower odds of all-cause mortality. If we could put strength training in a supplement it would be the greatest supplement/drug ever created. Living the chiropractic lifestyle provides so many benefits and exercise is a key pillar. There is no one better than the modern-day Chiropractor to serve as an expert in rehabilitation. In this course we will cover how to implement highly effective rehabilitation even if you only have a small treatment room and small budget. Participants will learn the key principles of exercise selection. We will begin with quick and effective exercises to decrease pain from acute inflammation/injury for the whole body. We will then move toward restoring range of motion exercises. Lastly, we will discuss the keys to increasing true strength and provide insight into complex and sports specific rehabilitation. Wear comfortable clothes and come ready to participate hands on in a great weekend for CTAs and DCs.

DC Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence

The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires all newly-licensed Tennessee chiropractors to complete a one-time six (6) hour board-approved course in risk management, sexual/professional boundaries, and Tennessee statutory and regulatory chiropractic jurisprudence. This course is designed to help the newly-licensed chiropractor more clearly understand all issues surrounding the profession of chiropractic in Tennessee.

CTA/CXT Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence

The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires all newly-licensed Tennessee CTAs/CXTs to complete a one-time two (2) hour board-approved course in risk management, sexual/professional boundaries, and Tennessee statutory and regulatory chiropractic jurisprudence. This course is designed to help the newly-licensed CTA/CXT more clearly understand all issues surrounding the profession of chiropractic in Tennessee.

Course Details

  • 2022 December Seminar
  • By:    Tennessee Chiropractic Association
  • Instructor:    Dr. Jason Hulme, Tiffany Stevens, ED
  • Total CE Hours:    12 hrs. DC CE, 6 hrs. CTA CE, 6 hrs. DC Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence, 2 hrs. CTA/CXT Boundaries, Ethics & Jurisprudence
  • Course Format:     Live In Person Seminar
  • Course Start:    12/03/2022   08:00am
  • Course End:    12/04/2022   12:00pm
  • Time Zone:    Central
  • Location State:    Tennessee
  • Course Categories:     Board-Mandated Remediation, Chiropractic Assistants, DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Corrective/Therapeutic Exercise  -4 CE Hours
    • Ethics  -3 CE Hours
    • Jurisprudence - State Specific  -2.5 CE Hours
    • Rehabilitation of Joints  -8 CE Hours
    • Risk Management  -2.5 CE Hours
  •    Course Outline