100 Hour Musculoskeletal Acupuncture Program: Module 3
By: National University of Health Sciences

Course Description

Course Description:

This course is will prepare the chiropractor to practice acupuncture based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), one of the oldest forms of recorded medicine. TCM offers a different vision of how to achieve good health than that of conventional allopathic medicine supported in America. A variety of acupuncture techniques will be taught in the first 100 hours, enabling the practitioner to diagnose and treat safely and effectively with confidence.

Course Objectives:

At the completion of this program, participants will be able to:

1. Demonstrate

2. Explain how the yin/yang theory has influenced the understanding of disease in comparison to Western diagnosis of disease.

3. Describe how yin/yang theory is applied with relation to organs classification and organ function of the body in TCM.

4. Describe the 5 Elements and describe key characteristics of each element as it applies to the practice of TCM.

5. Define the role of the fundamental substances in the human body and their importance to TCM.

6. List and understand the yin and yang organs and meridians and describe their functions and roles in identifying disease patterns.

7. Describe how acupuncture works as a therapeutic practice.

8. Inform patients and other practitioners about the possible adverse effects of acupuncture interventions, based on current information published in the peer reviewed literature.

9. Perform safe and precise needling of the anatomical structures following standardized safety procedures including the clean needling technique, the safe insertion protocols along with the safe needle removal and disposal, and blood management protocols.

Course Details

  • 100 Hour Musculoskeletal Acupuncture Program: Module 3
  • By:    National University of Health Sciences
  • Instructor:    Lauren Keller, DC, DABCA
  • Total CE Hours:    25.0
  • Course Format:     Online Distance Learning
  • Course Categories:     DC Continuing Education
  • Course Subjects | CE HOURS:
    • Acupuncture  -25.0 CE Hours
  •    Course Outline